-Validity of CPLR 308(2) substituted service.
-Process server barred by doorman from entering building to personally serve defendant or to affix papers to defendant’s door. Process server returns to building minutes later and doorman partially opens door, whereupon server drops papers in partially open doorway.
-Admissibility of video footage from process server’s button camera.
– Admissibility of video footage from private investigator’s video camera.
-Process server cross-examined on his affidavit of service, which reflected checked boxes for mailing to both defendant’s “last known residence” and “actual place of business” with defendant’s address for each written in.
-Defendant elects not to testify or call any witnesses; argues that plaintiff failed to make out a prima facie case of valid substituted service.
-Process server (direct examination; cross-examination)
-Voir dire examination of process server re video footage from his button camera.
– Voir dire examination of process server re postal receipts evidencing follow-up mailing.
-Private investigator (direct examination; cross-examination; redirect examination)
-Voir dire examination of private investigator re footage from his video camera